Spiritual Formation Community Offerings

We created the "Spiritual Formation Discovery" event over 10 years ago as an experiential exploration of the journey of intimacy with God in community. Along the way we discovered that the Lord has entrusted us with a stewardship. More than simply providing a language and practices for spiritual growth. God called us as a community to invite others into the "Community of Communion with God." 

More than ever we are being asked to coach people in this First Order calling to live in love with God, to be guided in rhythms of Abiding Prayer, and to create safe Communities focused on sharing and blessing this Communion in Community. We are also being asked to provide trainings for others in Spiritual Formation facilitation and coaching on a number of levels: 

  • Abiding Prayer Experiences: Imago Christi introduces Discovery participants to the journey of Abiding Prayer, consisting of various forms of meditation and contemplation, focused on our “First Order” love relationship with God. “Abiding Prayer Experiences” would provide a monthly practice in Abiding Prayer through:

    1. guided exercises held on Zoom, followed by

    2. Breakout Room experiences of sharing and blessing each other in spiritual community, and

    3. a plenary debrief and Q&A.

    No commitment is required, however consistency is encouraged, and consistent groups may be formed and invited. Discovery participation is not required, but highly recommended. Cost: free of charge

  • Spiritual Learning Communities: Spiritual Learning Communities could be offered a few times a year lasting between 4-12 weeks in length, depending on the topic (see Imago Christi Update for links to more info on each). Imago Christi Learning Communities would consist of: 

    • A brief topic presentation

    • Community interaction would facilitated in Breakout Rooms to help process your experience and provide ongoing support for your spiritual journey according with the topic or book chosen

    • Followed by a plenary debrief and Q&A

    Registration would be required and regular attendance expected. If you are interested, please fill out our Survey, and check the topics and/or books you would be interested in attending for the sake of spiritual community (rank your choices). Cost: free of charge, besides materials. Topics could include:

    • Exercises for Discovery Companions -- 8 session Discovery follow-up material (so far these materials have only been offered in a self-guided format, but this Community experience would involve both paired and large group components)

    • Mansions of the Heart book community (based on book by Tom Ashbrook)

    • A Lenten Journey book community (based on book by Bill O’Byrne)

    • Presence book community (based on book by Tom Ashbrook)

    • Facilitating Spiritual Exercises. How to design and facilitate Abiding Prayer Exercises for your ministry context, along with coaching, practice and support for doing so.

    • Discernment Community (Imago Christi’s group Discernment Journal based on: Weeds Among the Wheat by Thomas Green.)

    • Contemplative Prayer Life — a community exploration of the practices and challenges to developing a contemplate lifestyle.

    • Dark Nights of the Soul — exploring the various experiences of “darkness” in the Christian journey, God’s various purposes in them, how to distinguish them, and guide others through them.

    • Immanuel Prayer Approach (community based on practicing healing prayer for spiritual blocks and wounds)

    • Welcoming Prayer is a method of consenting to God's presence and action in our physical and emotional reactions to events and situations in daily life. This community is facilitated by trained practitioners of this form of prayer developed by Contemplative Outreach, Ltd..

    • Spiritual Formation Coaching Community — trained and practicing life coaches share their experience in coaching their coachees’ spiritual formation.

  • OIC Training and Affiliate Communities:

    • Spiritual Directors’ Peer Supervision — trained and practicing spiritual directors often have difficulty finding the Supervision generally recommended in their spiritual direction schools and courses. Imago Christi would train participants in a Peer Supervision model, and coordinate and organize monthly Supervision meetings for your group. Cost: TBD (~$250/yr), regular participants would be able to list: “under Imago Christi Peer Supervision” in their qualifications. Completion of a qualified two-year, spiritual direction program would be required for application.

    • Discovery Facilitators Training Community: learning how to facilitate and organize Discovery video events in your own ministry context, locale, or region. The Training consists of 10 sessions over 5 months; graduates receive a Discovery Facilitator’s Certificate from Imago Christi, and covenant to join a Spiritual Community for ongoing support and training. Cost: TBD (~$500), plus materials (Discovery and Discovery Companions participation are prerequisites for application).

    • Spiritual Formation Coaching Training, based on The Imago Christi Spiritual Formation Coaching Manual consists of 16 sessions over 9 months. Participants will be trained to utilize the ABIDE model and Imago Christi resources to coach people through processing the Discovery topics, while incorporating the posture of spiritual direction. SFCT involves fulfilling a practicum, for which Trainees are responsible to find two “volunteer coachees” to meet with monthly throughout the SFCT. Graduates receive a SFCT Certificate from Imago Christi, and covenant to join the SF Coaching Community for ongoing support. Cost: TBD (~$500), plus materials (Discovery and Discovery Companions participation are prerequisites for application).

    • Imago Christi Affiliate/Partner Membership — join the Imago Christi Affiliate Community (based on adaptations of the Imago Christi Covenant-Rule). Affiliates learn to apply Imago Christi perspectives and resources in their own life and ministry context, while Partners also participate in facilitating and hosting the Spiritual Formation Ministry of Imago Christi. Cost: TBD (~$250/yr).

What about you? Do you long for more support in your spiritual formation journey, encouraging intimacy with the Trinity? Do you desire accessible and affordable training in facilitation? If so, please click the button to fill out the brief survey, so that we discern the need and match our future offerings with the availability of those interested.