more about Discovery:
Imago Christi Discovery Events help people
Discover the Love of God in their Spiritual Journey, and
Cooperate with God in their ongoing Formation
Why the Focus on Leaders? Personal intimacy with the Trinity, lived out in authentic community, is key to the process of spiritual formation. Leaders can only lead where they have been. Lasting change can only happen in a church when it has first happened in its leadership.
This Discovery is an opportunity for you, as a leader, to further investigate your own spiritual journey. You will be better able to discern how to lead your ministry into a deeper level of spiritual formation, as well as empower and release followers of Jesus to impact the world with the Gospel.
God gifts leaders with authenticity and authority through their intimacy with Him. As a leader, your ministry effectiveness and longevity are directly related to the degree of your transformation into the likeness of Jesus. And, since what you have to pour out comes directly from what God has done and is doing in your life, your own Spiritual Formation will provide the foundation of personal ministry to others.
Can I come for part of the Discovery? No. Because the Discovery is an unfolding process and much of the work is done in groups, participants would find it disruptive to miss part of the experience.
How do I prepare for the Discovery? Prayer and Prework: Two weeks prior to the event, a Prework package will be emailed to you. It is important that you complete the Prework prior to the Discovery so that you will be prepared to participate fully. The Prework package includes:
A Review of your Spiritual Journey
Your Views of God
Biblical Foundations for Spiritual Formation
Imago Christi's working definition of Spiritual Formation
Who do I contact if I have Additional questions? Please click on the event you wish to attend, and email the lead Imago Christi presenter with your questions. Or send us your questions on the Connect page.
Internationally: Spiritual Formation Discovery has been presented in over 25 locations in the USA, as well as for national church, ministry and mission leaders in:
East Asia
Open or Download a Sample Discovery Brochure.
Come discover the experience!
Connect with us, if you are interested in hosting a Spiritual Formation Discovery event!
“...that you, being rooted and grounded in love, may be able to comprehend with all the saints what is the breadth and length and height and depth, and to know the love of Christ which surpasses knowledge, that you may be filled up to all the fullness of God. ”