Spiritual Exercise Bank


Vincent van Gogh, Sower with Setting Sun, 1888.

Choose from this bank of spiritual exercises to foster personal encounter with Jesus for yourself or for your team, providing space to be more aware of God, and more open to His presence, an opportunity to be aware of our “Condition of Soul” and release our Agendas, building spiritual community on a team, and providing an environment for community discernment.

Feel free to adapt the questions and activities to your community for the time available. You are invited to contact the writers for coaching and support.

  • Click here To examine where we are in our lives, and in our relationship to God.

  • Click here To listen to the invitation of the Lord regarding the grace of being renewed

  • Click here To be reminded that the Lord is an ever-present help in time of need.

  • Click here To prayerfully reflect with God on one specific moment, so as to become aware of the presence of God in every part of their life.

  • Click here To behold beauty in and around me, as well as to embrace God's pace of beauty making.

  • Click here To examine where one might be out of alignment with Jesus’ lead and to listen for Christ’s invitation to rest.

  • Click here To help people be more open to the operation of God’s Word and work in their hearts, souls and lives.

  • Click here To shift from survival mode to thanksgiving and cultivate gratitude.

  • Click here To discover our deepest desires and griefs, paving the way for discovery and new creation.

  • Click here To connect with Jesus as the center of our life.

  • Click here Open the eyes of my heart see your countenance of compassion.

  • Click here To connect with Jesus as the source of true life.

  • Click here To investigate what you are withholding because it is not enough.

  • Click here To embrace our identity and God’s purpose in our formation.

  • Click here To practice greater attention to Jesus’ presence in the midst of our apostolic activity.

  • Click here To foster your own Abiding, or in a Gathering of people, with whom you would like to build a Spiritual Community.